On the occasion of 4th anniversary with the attention of the board, last June 29, a singing party was held for Thien Duoc staff at the company’s headquarters.
With the motto “Work hard and play hard”, all teams made use of the time after work to gather for rehearsing their performances. Teams from the plantation in Long Thanh, the representative office in Ho Chi Minh City, and from the factory in Binh Duong were all excited and looking forward to the party.
Attending this year's party, Thien Duoc Company Limited’s staff was divided into 7 teams with 21 performances including solo, duet, dance, fashion, etc.
Concluding the festival, the organization department presented 7 prizes including one special prize, one first, one second, one third and three consolation prizes. There were also some other auxiliary prizes such as prize for the best performance, for team having the most diverse performances, for team having the most compatible coordination, etc. This is a helpful exchange among the company employees in order to promote solidarity, inquire mind and creativity the company staff; contributing to the development of company academic standards.

Director Nguyen Thi Ngoc Tram announcing to open the party.

Giving gifts to the board of examiners and directors.
Opening the party is Team 5’s performance - business team from the representative office.

The green Vietnamese dress symbolizing the immense plantation and red is the color of Crila’s logo, they hope Thien Duoc will develop more and more, the plantation will be greener and greener and the red color of Crila will widely spread onto all regions in Vietnam and all over the world.
Team 1- formulating, storing and testing staff, contributed many performances to diversifying the party.

The performance “Dong mau lac hong” brought a heroic atmosphere and lissom dances, the performance “Green fashion” associated with harmonious performance and graceful narration. Team 1 left a good impression on viewers and won the prize for the most diverse performances.

We could say that Team 2 – extracting staff - was the most “miserable” team because it was very difficult for guys in this team to gather for their rehearsals. Some worked on the first shift, some on the second shift, others on the third shift, so that when some felt well, the others were tired after work.
However, they still tried not to lose their colleagues and offered such talented vocalists that the examiners had to say “If you're in my team, I will make you shine”.
Team 3 - maintaining staff from the factory brought a solemn atmosphere and showed solidarity and commitment through the performances “Con kenh ta dao” and saluting the flag.

Team 4 – accounting and sales staff – with the idea that love can go through space and time.

The first performance “Thuong nhau ly to hong” described a Southern groom going to the North to ask for a girl’s hand. The next performance “Tup leu ly tuong” showed a happy spouse with their naive children.
The most heroic and meaningful performances were from the staff of electromechanics and security guards . The special prize belonged to Team 6 persuasively and deservedly.

Long Thanh team determined not to be defeated by the youth, eagerly participated and rehearsed. Team 7 was confident with two performances “Nhac rung” and “Dem thanh pho day sao”.

While the secretariat was scoring, people eagerly participated in interesting games.

At 7.00 p.m., it was time for the suspenseful and expectant moment - Announcing and presenting prizes.
Thien Duoc Company