People often spread experiences to take fresh leaves and dried leaves of
Crinum latifolium L., then boil and drink their decoction for the
prevention and treatment of tumors, which is very dangerous because the
plants have not been identified as correct Crinum latifolium L. Vietnam
has many plants looking alike Crinum latifolium L. such as Crinoideae,
white-flower Crinum plant, etc. with the same taste, smell, color and
appearance as Crinum latifolium L. So, it is difficult to distinguish
whether it is Crinum latifolium L. by naked eye but with the genetic
test (DNA). It should be noted that components of white-flower Crinum
plant and Crinoideae are very toxic to liver, kidney, and other body’s
Moreover, the production of Crinum latifolium L. is
compelled to be conducted under a strict process from production to
collection, processing without the use of pesticides or chemical
fertilizers. If the plant is collected at the wrong time or not in
accordance with the process, pharmaceutical materials are not clean
anymore and therapeutic bioactive substances disappear.
CRILA capsule
is manufactured from alkaloid and flavonoid fractions extracted from
Crinum latifolium L. var. crilae Tram & Khanh which is a novel
variety of Crinum latifolium L. species in Vietnam with the appropriate
solvents that is non-toxic to the human body. In addition, Crinum
latifolium L. var. crilae Tram & Khanh leaves used to produce CRILA
are clean pharmaceutical materials collected from plantations with
stable bioactivity.