Can Crinum latifolium L. treat oral cancer?


One of my family’s relatives with oral cancer was treated by six times of chemical transmission and 35 beams of radiation. I heard that Crinum latifolium L. can treat cancer. May you tell me it is wrong or right and how to use this medicine?

Pharmacist LE KIM PHUNG - HCMC Medicine and Pharmacy University.

According to the Prof. Dr. Do Tat Loi, from 1984 to 1989 many Indian and Japanese scientists found that in Crinum latifolium L. there are several alkaloid derivatives having anti-cancer effects. In Vietnam, between 1989 and 1990 people used Crinum latifolium L. to treat fibroids uterus (in women), fibroids and prostate cancer (in men) as following usage: each day drink decoction from 3 Crinum latifolium L. leaves, pick fresh leaves, chop them into 1cm or 2cm and then dry them until they turn to yellowish, drink continuously for seven days. After that, stop drinking for seven days and then continue drinking the second batch. Drink three batches as this instruction until the number of leaves totals up to 63. A large number of people drinking Crinum latifolium L. like this get good results. However, your relative should go to hospital and ask the treating physicians for correct indications.